Compare prices and pre-book your AirportCar
It takes less than 2 minutes to pre-book your taxi to Larnaca Airport from Anagyia with AirportCars. Enter your pick-up date and time and select how many passengers will be travelling and we will display all available AirportCars including details about the vehicle and it’s capacity for both passengers and luggage.
Why not book a taxi for your return journey too?
If you are planning to book a taxi for your return from Larnaca Airport to Anagyia, there is no need to wait. Go ahead and click the “Add Another Transfer” button, enter the date and pick-up time and we will show you all the options available along with the total inclusive price for your return booking.
Save up to 30% by pre-booking your Airport Cars
By booking in advance, our customers get a great price and they enjoy the peace of mind that comes with having a confirmed booking. In addition to your email booking confirmation which you will receive instantly, we will also send a reminder the day before your journey to and from Larnaca Airport so you can be assured that your AirportCars will be there when you need them.
Cancel up to 48 hours before pick-up
If your travel plans change, you can amend or even cancel your airport transfer as long as you provide us with at least 72 hours notice.
Save my.AirportCars to your homescreen
Manage your future bookings, view your billing history, get copies of VAT receipts, and be the first to hear about special offers – my.AirportCars is the only airport transfers App you will ever need – Add it to your homescreen now.
Compare the cost of a rental car from Larnaca Airport
If your trip will include multiple car journeys with lots of stops over long distances, a rental car might work out cheaper? Compare Larnaca Airport car rental prices and reserve your car in advance for the best deals.