Find the perfect taxi for you at
It takes less than 2 minutes to pre-book your taxi to Larnaca Airport from Lefkonikon with AirportCars. Enter your pick-up date and time and select how many passengers will be travelling and we will display all available AirportCars including details about the vehicle and it’s capacity for both passengers and luggage.
You can save time by booking both ways now
Will you be making a return journey? If you will need a similar vehicle on your way back from Larnaca Airport to Lefkonikon, this is the best time to get that booked. All you need to do is select “Add Another Transfer” and enter the date and time that you would like your airport car to meet you. We’ll add this to your search and display the all inclusive price for both transfers.
Pre-book and save with
By booking in advance, our customers get a great price and they enjoy the peace of mind that comes with having a confirmed booking. In addition to your email booking confirmation which you will receive instantly, we will also send a reminder the day before your journey to and from Larnaca Airport so you can be assured that your AirportCars will be there when you need them.
Flexible bookings available
Passengers who book their airport transfers with are able to cancel or amend their bookings up to 72 hours before the pick-up time.
my.AirportCars is your gateway to transfer bliss
Add my.AirportCars to your homescreen for the quickest way to book future transfers plus you can view all your past bookings and manage any pending bookings, view billing history and retrieve copies of receipts.
I need to rent a car at Larnaca Airport
Renting a vehicle for your trip to the UK is a great idea if you have lots of car journeys planned while you are here and you can get some very good deals on a hire car at Larnaca Airport when you pre-book.