Compare prices and pre-book your AirportCar
Are you looking for a taxi to Carapinha from Lisbon Airport? You’ve come to the right place. At AirportCars, we specialise in finding the best airport transfer deals for you. Use our quick search tool to find the right taxi for your journey to Carapinha. All of our AirportCars are vetted and approved so you can be assured of a professional and punctual service.
Do you need a taxi back as well?
You can easily book a return taxi back from Carapinha to Lisbon Airport, simply click “Add Another Transfer” and enter your return date and preferred pick up time. You may even get a better deal for booking both journeys at once!
Best price and quality service guaranteed
Did you know you can save up to 30% by pre-booking your airport transfers. For your complete peace of mind, we will email you a booking confirmation immediately and we will also send you a reminder message the day before you go just so you have the information you need at hand. That’s one less thing to worry about – Go ahead and book your Lisbon Airport transfer now.
Flexible bookings available
Passengers who book their airport transfers with are able to cancel or amend their bookings up to 72 hours before the pick-up time.
Save my.AirportCars to your homescreen
Android and IOS users can easily add my.AirportCars to their homescreen for instant access to their account in future. It’s the only transfers app you will ever need and you’ll be the first to hear about our exclusive special offers.
Can I rent a car from Lisbon Airport?
Renting a vehicle for your trip to the UK is a great idea if you have lots of car journeys planned while you are here and you can get some very good deals on a hire car at Lisbon Airport when you pre-book.